8 Rarest Pets Found in Prodigy - Rarest.org (2024)

Prodigy is a web-based math game that makes math learning fun for children. The game is highly appreciated both by educators and parents. It takes an innovative approach where students solve mathematical problems through the game. They explore a virtual world and complete quests while learning maths.

Whenever a player defeats a monster, they get a chance to turn them into their own pets. There are several methods to obtain a pet, such as purchasing them on the website, receiving them as rewards, and others. Each pet is different and has its own skill sets and strengths. They have a critical role in helping the math wizards to win the math battles. Players can choose a pet as a member of their team for upcoming battles.

While some pets are common and available easily, some others are rare, exclusively released during different events and seasonal festivals. The rarity of an item in Prodigy is marked by various colors such as Gray (Common), Green (Uncommon), Blue (Rare), Purple (Heroic), and Yellow (Legendary). Here we list 8 of the rarest pets in Prodigy ever released.

8. Peeko

Rarity: Common (Gray)
Pet ID: 60
Element: Earth
Location(s) found: Dark Tower (unobtainable), Arena(Coliseum) (unobtainable), and Firefly Forest (formerly)
How to obtain: It could be obtained as a Starter pet

8 Rarest Pets Found in Prodigy - Rarest.org (1)
photo source: wikia.nocookie.net

Although Peeko is graded as Common, this pet has become exceedingly rare because it was discontinued on June 5, 2019. Prior to its suspension, players could choose this cheerful pet as their starting pet.
Peeko is a small cat-like creature that doesn’t have a body. It has big ears, large yellow-amber eyes, tiny legs, and a small mouth. The color of the face and limbs appear to be grayish-brown. It doesn’t have any hands.

Did you know?

The in-game description explains that this pet always wiggles its ears cheerfully, and thus, its body can never be seen.

7. Flurrious

Rarity: Rare (Blue)
Pet ID: 105
Element: Ice
Location(s) found: Dark Tower (unobtainable), Harmony Island (unobtainable), Winterfest (unobtainable), Arena (Coliseum) (Formerly), and Ice Tower (obtainable)
How to obtain: Rescue, evolve from Tempest

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Flurrious is another Prodigy pet that has been discontinued and thus has become rare. The pet was initially released only for the members. It evolved from Tempest, another rare-graded pet in Prodigy. Later it was made available to the non-members as well. Non-members could catch them in the Ice-tower.

It resembles a hunched floating snowman. The eyes are purple with a heavy black outline. The fingers look like claws made of crystal. The eyebrows are pale purple and blue, which look like ice crystals.

Did you know?

During Winterfest, Flurrious disguised as a snowman.

6. Blizzhared

Rarity: Heroic (Purple)
Pet ID: 157
Element: Ice
Location(s) found: Ice Tower
How to obtain: Can be received as a gift from Ada

8 Rarest Pets Found in Prodigy - Rarest.org (3)
photo source: wikia.nocookie.net
8 Rarest Pets Found in Prodigy - Rarest.org (4)
photo source: ytimg.com

Blizzhared is a pretty rare pet in Prodigy that can only be obtained by freeing Ada. The players need to complete the entire Ice Tower quest and free Ada. Then she gives away this pet as a reward.

Blizzhared, commonly known as the Blizz, appears to be a mix of white hare and penguin. It has icy blue eyes and big fluffy yellow eyebrows. The ears are shiny blue and purple. There is a white fur collar around its neck and face with an ice-blue crystal at the bottom. The legs are light blue with white toes. The paws are white that fade into pale blue and gold trim.

Did you know?

A non-member with 10 pets can acquire Blizzhared as their 11th pet. However, they cannot re-obtain the pet if they release it.

5. Big Hex

Rarity: Heroic (Purple)
Pet ID: 140
Element: Strom
Location(s) found: Epics Subspace (unobtainable)
How to obtain: Purchase only

8 Rarest Pets Found in Prodigy - Rarest.org (5)
photo source: pngegg.com

Big Hex is an extremely powerful pet in Prodigy with 11628 health and a 3:7 power-to-health ratio. It is a bipedal robot that appears to be made from mechanical scrap. It has a huge build and a red, white, and yellow body.

This rare pet in Prodigy can create nearly every type of machinery using raw scraps. It also powers the created machinery with its own energy. It has the ability to create powerful spells and harness storm power using magic.

Big Hex was released on May 17, 2016. Players could buy it on the Prodigy website for a limited period. The toy came with a code that was to be entered to obtain the equivalent pet.

Big Hex is discontinued and not coming back anytime soon. It is one of the rarest Prodigy pets that can only be used by the players who purchased it in 2016.

Did you know?

Big Hex was the first original epic ever released by the developers of the Prodigy game.

4. Terrosaur

Rarity: Legendary (Yellow)
Pet ID: 126
Element: Fire
Location(s) found: Dyno Dig Oasis (obtainable)
How to obtain: Can be purchased for 20,000 Gold

8 Rarest Pets Found in Prodigy - Rarest.org (6)
photo source: wikia.nocookie.net
8 Rarest Pets Found in Prodigy - Rarest.org (7)
photo source: wikia.nocookie.net

Terrosaur is one of the strongest pets in Prodigy. It is an expensive and rare pet in the game. The appearance of the pet represents a blend between Tyrannosaurus Rex and Ceratosaurus.

The body color is brown, while the underbelly features beige. You can see an orange flame-like mane on the back of its head. On its back, there are ivory-white plates resembling spines.

The arms are short, and three-toed feet have hazel claws. The in-game description says, “The front claws of a Terrosaur are so incredibly sharp, though often useless, as their arms are so short.”

Terrosaur cannot be found in the wild. The player can only purchase them from Professor Scoog.

Did you know?

Although Prodigy has several other legendary items, Terrosaur is the only pet that is marked legendary.

3. Florafox

Rarity: Heroic (Purple)
Pet ID: 141
Element: Earth
Location(s) found: Epic subspace (unobtainable)
How to obtain: Purchase only

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photo source: worthpoint.com

Florafox is a rare Prodigy pet with a power-to-health ratio of 5:5. Florafox, like Big Hex, is a Prodigy pet that could only be obtained through purchasing. It was released in 2016, after Big Hex. The obtaining method was the same.
The players received a code with the toy. They needed to enter the code in-game to get the pet.

Florafox is a lime green-colored fox that can talk to plants and trees. It earths itself in the soil to be able to communicate to them. The underbelly is lighter green, and it has black paws. It has a pinkish-red bud on its chick and a light green line on its forehead. The tail resembles a large flower bud. The bud opens a little every time it launches an attack.

Did you know?

Florafox is the sole Earth Element Epic ever released in Prodigy.

2. Eclipse

Rarity: Heroic (Purple)
Pet ID: 148
Element: Storm
Location(s) found: Epics Subspace (Unobtainable)
How to obtain: Epic Egg (Members-Only) (Offer expired)

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photo source: wikia.nocookie.net

Eclipse was released in December 2017 for a limited period of time. Only the members got an option to hatch this pet from an egg. This pet is now extremely hard to find.

Eclipse is a dragon with royal purple scales. It has cyan pupils and cyan membranes on its wing. On its shoulder, you can see crescent moon designs. The color of the underbelly is pale lavender, and it has some black spots on its right thigh.

The power to health ratio is 2:8, and the maximum health can reach up to 12295.

Did you know?

Eclipse has the highest health among all the epics. However, it does the least damage.


Rarity: Heroic (Purple)
Pet ID: 159 and 160
Element: Storm
Location(s) found: None
How to obtain: Was available with First Ultimate Member Box

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photo source: wikia.nocookie.net
8 Rarest Pets Found in Prodigy - Rarest.org (11)
photo source: wikia.nocookie.net

Lumibolt is the rarest pet in Prodigy on this list. This pet was supplied with the first Ultimate Member Box.
Prodigy introduced the Ultimate Membership on August 26, 2021. Those who subscribe to this plan receive one Ultimate Membership Box per season. This box includes one Ultimate Pet and one Ultimate Item.

Thus, Lumibolt is only owned by those players who subscribed to this premium pack when it was first launched.
Lumibolt is a variation of Luminex, another Heroic pet in Prodigy. Lumibolt is orange in color and has two bolt-like components on its back. The arms of this pet have two gold plates, and the tail has a yellow ball on the tip.

The in-game description says, “A beast of metal and steam that sparks with electricity. The origins of this armored Luminex remain a mystery.”

Did you know?

The primary version of this pet, Luminex, could be found in Lost Island. However, it doesn’t exist anymore.

8 Rarest Pets Found in Prodigy - Rarest.org (2024)
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