Nikke Lost Relics Chapter 8 (2025)

1. Lost Relics Chapter 8 | Nikke: Goddess of Victory

  • 3 apr 2023 · It looks like 2 of the locations changed, I found them to the right of pad in the bottom of the map and one above the pad on the top of the map.

  • Legend A Girl's Memoir - July 23, XX at 3:00 PM (Rainy) The Ruined City - Hand on Hand Clothing Store Blueprint Nikke Subject Recruitment - Outline for

2. Lost Relic Locations Chapter 8 [Goddess of Victory: Nikke] - Gacha X

  • 15 nov 2022 · With Chapter 8 lost relics completed, you can build 2 new buildings, the Shopping Mall and Clothing Store in the Outpost . Also, you can learn ...

  • Spread the loveWelcome to the simple guide for the lost relic locations for chapter 8! We will provide all the individual hidden spots so it can help you get them without much trouble! Please do check

3. NIKKE Lost Relics campaign chapter 8 - Loot & Waifus

4. Lost Relic Hard Mode Chapter 8 | Nikke: Goddess of Victory

  • 21 feb 2023 · Lost Relic Hard Mode Chapter 8 · Asuka Analysis and Theorycraft – Should you Pull? · Mari Makinami Best Builds, Teams, and How to Play · Nikke ...

  • Legend The Ruined City Dying - Hand on Hand The Clue Know the truth - Hand on Hand x10 core dust The Ruined City - Hand on Hand Maze in Abyss - Begin -

5. Lost Relic Locations Chapter 16 [Goddess of Victory: Nikke] - Gacha X

  • Welcome to the simple guide for the lost relic locations for chapter 16! We will provide all the individual hidden spots so it can help you get them without ...

  • Welcome to the simple guide for the lost relic locations for chapter 16! We will provide all the individual hidden spots so it can help you get them without much trouble! Please do check out Keribib0i

6. Lost Relics | NIKKE - Prydwen Institute

  • Lost Relics. What are Lost Relics and where to find them. About Lost Relics ... Shopping Mall - Chapter 8; Radio Tower - Chapter 9; Goddess of Victory ...

  • What are Lost Relics and where to find them.

7. Conflict | Nikke Goddess of Victory International Wiki | Fandom

  • "Conflict" is the eighth Story chapter of Goddess of Victory: Nikke. A month later after a long vacation and after gaining intel from Exia, the Counters ...

  • "Conflict" is the eighth Story chapter of Goddess of Victory: Nikke. A month later after a long vacation and after gaining intel from Exia, the Counters squad proceed to go an old facility located on the surface in order to scan a bullet lent by Snow White. The Pilgrim Snow White gave the protagonist a bullet, claiming it would help him on his quest to save his old comrade. Little did he expect the trouble it would take to find out what was inside one bullet. Between Anis' resurgent distrust, Ne

8. NIKKE Lost Relics campaign chapter 18 - Loot & Waifus

  • 23 aug 2023 · NIKKE Lost Relics campaign chapter 18 . Find all the lost relics in NIKKE with our interactive map. NIKKE Guides, tutorials and tier lists.

  • NIKKE Lost Relics campaign chapter 18 . Find all the lost relics in NIKKE with our interactive map. NIKKE Guides, tutorials and tier lists.

9. Interactive Map | NIKKE - Prydwen Institute

  • Lost Relics. Lost Relics. Interactive Map. An interactive map for ... Chapter 8. Chapter 9. Chapter 10. Chapter 11. Chapter 12. Chapter 13. Chapter ...

  • An interactive map for NIKKE that shows the locations of all hidden objects in the main story.

10. Nikke Stage 3 Lost Relics Locations - Is It Credible?

  • 5 nov 2022 · Steve's Nikke Goddess of Victory Lost Relics Stage 3 Locations Got lost trying to find relics? Well, at least you found a guide!

  • Steve’s Nikke Goddess of Victory Lost Relics Stage 3 Locations Got lost trying to find relics? Well, at least you found a guide! — Steve Are you frustrated from carpet searching the map for N…

Nikke Lost Relics Chapter 8 (2025)


How do you get lost relics? ›

Lost Relics are collectibles found around the Campaign Field map. Once you stand near to them, an icon will appear, signifying that you have found a collectible and in range to collect it. You will find Blueprints for Outpost buildings to advance your Academy, and more rewards.

How do you unlock the lost sector in Nikke? ›

Lost Sector is an adventure puzzle mode where the main goal is to kill all enemies and find all treasures hidden on the map. When you unlock this mode - after clearing Stage 5-3, only the first Sector will be available and you have to clear it and progress further in the Campaign to unlock the other Sectors.

How to trigger lost relic? ›

This quest can only be accessed when you have the Dawnguard DLC and are playing as a Dawnguard member and have recruited Sorine Jurardm, Gunmar, and Florentius.

Is Lost Relics worth it? ›

The Lost Relics game is one of the best that players have come across. This crypto game can boast of the best community around. It's like someone's always got your back as sometimes all you have to do is to state that you need something, and someone will gladly list it for sale for you.

Can you farm Lost Sectors in Nikke? ›

Yes you can farm them. If you don't have all Exotics game gives you the one you haven't earn yet.

Can you unlock Marian in Nikke? ›

Her gun-reloading animation foreshadows her future: her eyes will glow red whilst reloading her gun. Marian is currently the only SR Nikke in the game who uses a submachine gun as her weapon. Despite being a playable SR Nikke in the tutorial, she is not unlockable as a playable character (at least not in this form).

How do you get the artifact of the lost? ›

The Artifact of the Lost is one of the Artifacts in ARK: Survival Evolved only found on the Crystal Isles map in underwater tunnels, entrance to which is located around 18.5, 40.8.

What are the drop chances of relics? ›

Drop Chances
Relic QualityVoid Traces RequiredRare
Intact (default)02%

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.