Where to eat: the 50 best restaurants in Zaragoza (2024)

Restaurante Gente Rara is a trendy dining spot located in the heart of Barrio Jesus, Zaragoza. Despite opening during a global pandemic, this high-concept restaurant has quickly gained popularity for its innovative culinary concept. The space was transformed from an old car workshop into a spacious and modern eatery where guests can enjoy set seasonal menus prepared in an open kitchen.

Gran experiencia. Buena comida, sabores, texturas... Recomendable.Y el trato genial.Quién diría, que en ese barrio te encuentras un restaurante así. Todo un acierto

Yoli G — Google review

(Translated by Google) I went with my partner to eat after waiting 9 months to go because it is a place that has a long waiting list. Perhaps for this reason, our expectations were too high. The place and the attention were 10, but the food seemed too risky (brains, pig salivary gland etc) and we did not like several dishes, which we thought was a shame when you pay for such an expensive menu (a long menu of €80 /person).(Original)Fui con mi pareja a comer después de llevar esperando 9 meses para poder ir debido a que es un sitio que tiene una larga lista de espera. Quizás por este motivo, nuestras expectativas eran demasiado altas. El lugar y la atención fueron de 10, pero la comida nos pareció demasiado arriesgada (sesos, glándula salival de cerdo etc) y no nos gustaron varios platos, lo que nos pareció una pena cuando pagas un menú tan caro (menú largo de 80€ /persona).

Carlota G — Google review

To understand the experience at Gente Rara (Strange People), one must understand the city is located in. Zaragoza (Caesar Augusta) was settled by the Greeks around 300 BC and grew under Roman rule. It has had many rulers and has the infusion of many cultures, nestled near the Pyrenees, and northern and eastern seas it has access to many fresh food. Today it is a diverse city which is known for industrious people.Gente Rara manages to capture the essence of this city through its extensive small plate menu. In this experience you will sample a tour which will take you through the back alleys of this city and it’s rich gastronomic delights. You will sample local produce, bakeries, wines, and cheeses, while also demonstrating the global influences which have been adopted and mastered by the Chef Palacios and his team of artists. It is amazing to watch the discipline of the staff while dining in a warm and unpretentious atmosphere.

Rafael S — Google review

(Translated by Google) We booked into this restaurant because of the fame it has.You have several menus to choose from, we chose the long menu, with which we were satisfied. I think a menu with fewer dishes would leave you hungry.The menu was good, very good presentation of all the dishes, and a different preparation.All the products used are "common" products, perhaps I was hoping to try a less common product.The attention from all the workers was excellent.The decoration of the place is very good, and you see in real time the preparation and assembly of each dish.(Original)Reservamos en este restaurante por la fama que tiene.Tienes varios menús para escoger, nosotros elegimos el menú largo, con el cual nos quedamos satisfechos. Creo que un menú con menos platos saldrías con hambre.El menú estaba bien, muy buena presentación de todos los platos, y una elaboración diferente.Todos los productos utilizados son productos "comunes", quizás yo esperaba probar algún producto menos habitual.La atención por parte de todos los trabajadores fue excelente.La decoración del local está muy bien, y ves en tiempo real la elaboración y montaje de cada plato.

So G — Google review

(Translated by Google) Everything seemed great and tasty to me, from the drink that they offer you upon arrival, to the appetizers served as if you were in your living room or to the rest of the food, which more than describing, I recommend discovering!!We take the crazy menu with enough passes that allow you to appreciate the high culinary level. Everything is "weird" since nothing is what it seems, except the flavors. In fact I do not put a title to the photos so that everyone is surprised.There is tremendous work behind any dish, so the chef and his team are to be congratulated. It is wonderful to see how they prepare the different dishes before you. The culinary experience is very original because of the setting and how the food is developed.Just add that although the cheese trolley was spectacular, the portion seemed a little small to me, but perhaps because they were very rich.There is a detail that I would modify and it is the high chairs that after a while are uncomfortable.Fully deserved star!!(Original)Todo me pareció estupendo y sabroso, desde la bebida que te ofrecen al llegar, a los aperitivos servidos como si estuvieras en el salón de tu casa o al resto de la comida, que más que describir, aconsejo descubrir!!Tomamos el menú chalado con suficientes pases que te permiten apreciar el alto nivel culinario. Todo es "raro" ya que nada es lo que parece, salvo los sabores. De hecho no pongo título a las fotos para que cada cual se sorprenda.Hay un trabajo tremendo detrás de cualquier plato, por lo que hay que felicitar al chef y a su equipo. Es una maravilla ver como van preparando los distintos platos ante ti. La experiencia culinaria es muy original por el entorno y por cómo se desarrolla la comida.Sólo añadir que aunque el carrito de los quesos era espectacular, la ración me pareció un poquito escasa, pero quizás porque estaban muy ricos.Hay un detalle que modificaría y son las sillas altas que al cabo de un rato resultan incómodas.Estrella totalmente merecida!!

Pilipat — Google review

Incredible food, service and atmosphere. The staff are all incredibly welcoming and friendly and the service was excellent- down to the last detail. The food speaks for itself. Every bite was delicious.Nothing is pretentious about the experience which was a massive plus for us. As Do yourself a favor and snag a reservation here!

Ivy H — Google review

(Translated by Google) We loved the place, the impeccable service, the delicious commode, the wines an experience.Every time they explained a dish or the history of a wine, you could see the love they put into everything they do.We ordered the medium menu with cheeses and crepe, but I recommend taking the long menu because it was a bit short (it is also true that we eat a lot)(Original)Nos encanto el sitio, el servicio impecable, la comoda deliciosa, los vinos una experiencia.Cada vez que explicaban un plato o la historia de un vino se notaba el cariño que ponen en cada cosa que hacen.Pedimos el menú medio con quesos y crepe, pero recomiendo coger el menú largo porque se nos quedó un poco corto (también es cierto que somos de comer bastante)

Miriam E — Google review

(Translated by Google) It was our first time in Gente rara, and we loved the experience. The approach of changing places with the different dishes makes the tasting more enjoyable; mostly local products; the explosion of flavors that invited you to close your eyes to discover everything that was there and the waiters-cooks who explained everything to you, very friendly. I was looking forward to discovering the long tasting. We will be back! Thank you for original and tasty proposals.(Original)Fué nuestra primera vez en Gente rara, y la experiencia nos encantó. El planteamiento de cambiar de lugar con los diferentes platillos hace que la degustación sea màs amena; los productos mayoritariamente locales; la explosión de sabores que te invitaba a cerrar los ojos para descubrir todo lo que había allí y los camareros-cocineros que te explicaban cada cosa, muy amables. Me quedé con ganas de descubrir la degustación larga. Volveremos! Gracias por propuestas originales y sabrosas.

Eva G — Google review

(Translated by Google) An experience of 10! Everything was great, both the food, the service and the experience itself.It is a highly recommended and professional site.The only note I make is that there are several offal dishes, since there are people who like it less. And if you tell us in advance, they will prepare a menu adapted to gluten intolerant people.I don't put many photos so it's a surprise :)(Original)Una experiencia de 10! Todo estuvo genial, tanto la comida, como el servicio como la experiencia en si.Es un sito muy recomendable y profesional.La única nota que pongo es que hay varios platos de casquería, ya que hay gente que le va menos. Y si lo dices con antelación te preparan el menú adaptado a intolerantes al gluten.No pongo muchas fotos para que sea una sorpresa :)

Fre D — Google review

(Translated by Google) The space in which the Restaurant is located is an old automobile workshop that, although for those of us who knew it, it has all its essence, it has been completely renovated into an open space with an open kitchen.As for what the dishes offer, it does not disappoint at all, in fact, it surprises in each and every one of the preparations.We have really enjoyed this new gastronomic experience, it has been more than worth the wait.I do not include any photographs of the preparations since I would like them to be surprised as we have been in it.A hug.(Original)El espacio en el que se encuentra el Restaurante es un antiguo taller de automóviles que si bien para los que lo conocimos tiene toda su esencia ha sido totalmente reformado en un espacio diafano con cocina abierta.En cuanto a lo que es la oferta de platos no defrauda para nada, es más, sorprende en todas y cada una de las elaboraciones.Hemos disfrutado mucho de esta nueva experiencia gastronómica, ha merecido con creces la espera.No pongo ninguna fotografía de las elaboraciones ya que me gustaría que se sorprendiesen como lo hemos hecho nosotros en él.Un fuerte abrazo.

Carlos M — Google review

(Translated by Google) We booked almost a year in advance and it was definitely worth the wait. From the moment you enter the restaurant, the attention is perfect, as all the details are taken care of so that the gastronomic experience is 10. The atmosphere that is breathed is calm, of peace, all the efforts put into the diners. We opted for the Chalado menu based on surprising small bites one after another, all delicious full of revisited classic flavors and other totally new bites. You have to live the experience at least once. It's totally worth it.(Original)Reservamos casi con un año de antelación y sin duda ha merecido la pena la espera. Desde que entras en el restaurante la atención es perfecta, como están cuidados todos los detalles para que la experiencia gastronómica sea de 10. El ambiente que se respira es de calma, de paz, todos los esfuerzos puestos en los comensales. Nos decantamos por el menú Chalado basado en pequeños bocados sorprendentes uno tras otro, todo delicioso lleno de sabores clásicos reversionados y de otros bocados totalmente nuevos. Hay que vivir la experiencia una vez por lo menos. Merece totalmente la pena.

Isabel — Google review

(Translated by Google) It had been a long time since I had enjoyed a restaurant like this. I am very happy to know that there are still establishments in Zaragoza that are really worth it. Great human team. Very well executed food. Fun in each pass of the 23 that we tasted and the pace of the service was very well managed for the large number of dishes. Very complete warehouse. Very young, professional and attentive staff. To highlight the rice with eel and as a curiosity, the ingredient used in one of the desserts... really surprising how good it was, it cannot be revealed, you have to go try it. Very good advice on wine and cheese. Abstain in-laws, YOU DON'T STAY HUNGRY. We will be back. Congratulations to all the team.(Original)Hacía mucho tiempo que no disfrutaba así en un restaurante. Me alegra mucho saber que sigue habiendo establecimientos en Zaragoza que realmente merecen la pena. Equipazo humano. Comida muy bien ejecutada. Diversión en cada pase de los 23 que degustamos y muy bien llevado el ritmo del servicio para el gran número de platos. Bodega muy completa. Plantilla muy joven, profesional y atenta. A destacar el arroz con anguila y como curiosidad, el ingrediente utilizado en uno de los postres……realmente sorprendente lo bueno que estaba, no puede revelarse, hay que ir a probarlo. Muy buen asesoramiento en el vino y los quesos. Abstenerse cuñaos, NO TE QUEDAS CON HAMBRE. Volveremos. Enhorabuena a todo el equipo.

David G — Google review

(Translated by Google) Great experience, that's how I describe it.First of all the place, a super cool place very different from other star places, starting with the different places through which the experience passes.The service, impeccable, watching them work, thanking Cristian for explaining everything to us for coming to see how it was and what we thought of everything.We really liked being able to taste the menu at the bar since you can see how harmonious it is to work in a kitchen.The menu, well, I would say that you have to go and discover it, it has its lights and shadows like everything else, but you have to go and play.Once again thanks to the entire team, it was worth going from Madrid to spend the day and eat.(Original)Gran experiencia, así lo describo.Primero de todo el local, sitio súper chulo muy diferente a otros sitios de estrella, empezando con los diferenge lugares por los que pasa la experiencia.El servicio, impecable verles trabajar dar las Gracias a Cristian por explicarnos todo por venir a ver como estaba y que nos parecía todo.Nos gustó mucho poder degustar el menú en la barra dado que puedes ver ll armonioso que es trabajar en una cocina.El menú, pues diría que hay que ir i descubrilo tiene sus luces y sus sombras como todo, pero hay que ir a jugar.De nuevo gracias a todo el equipo, mereció la pena ir desde Madrid a pasar el día y comer.

Abel R — Google review

(Translated by Google) The truth is that I expected more. I had been to some Michelin Stars in the past and this time we had a reservation from September 2023, so high expectations.Little food, very little. The 17 “passes” (not to call them dishes) had some curiosity like a half walnut, it sounds ridiculous but in the starters, the half walnut counted as a “pass”. They told me about Aragonese gastronomy, but removing some “nail” of deer meat, the rest was made up of Oyster (only one and very small), prawns, eel, rice (a spoonful, bland) I didn't see anything that I didn't see in Barcelona or Alicante (where I come from)There was almost nothing in the Instagram photos, no brains, no meat...I went with people who had gone in the past and they spoke wonderfully to me (what can I say, they were more disappointed than me)Honestly, I won't go again, they were nice and gave you a lot of bread (I didn't miss that), the place was nice but nothing more(Original)Lo cierto es que me esperaba más. Había ido en el pasado alguna que otra Estrella Michelin y esta vez teníamos una reserva desde Septiembre del 2023, así que muchas expectativas.Poca comida, muy poca. Los 17 “pases” (por no llamarlos platos) tenían alguna curiosidad como una media nuez, suena ridículo pero en los entrantes, la media nuez contaba como “pase”. Me hablaron de la gastronomía Aragonesa, pero quitando alguna “uña” de carne de ciervo, el resto se componía por Ostra (solo una y muy pequeña), gambas, anguila, arroz (una cucharada, sosa) no vi nada que no viese en Barcelona o Alicante (de donde vengo)Las fotos del Instagram no había casi nada, ni sesos, ni carne…fui con gente que había ido en el pasado y me hablaron maravillas (qué decir que ellos salieron más decepcionados que yo)No volveré a ir la verdad, ellos eran majos y te daban mucho pan (eso no falto), el lugar bonito pero sin más

ivan — Google review

(Translated by Google) After a long wait we were finally able to enjoy the experience. I love how they receive. Changes of rooms during the meal. The presentation of the dishes is fantastic. All expectations were met...(Original)Tras una larga espera por fin pudimos disfrutar de la experiencia. Me encanta como reciben. Los cambios de estancias durante la comida. La presentación de los platos es fantástica. Se cumplieron todas las expectativas...

MARIA C — Google review

(Translated by Google) Did not meet expectations. Failures from the beginning. Appetizers without being able to drink the wine we had chosen after more than 30 minutes of waiting. Dishes that arrive cold at the table. Heavy sauces. Microscopic cheese rations. Lackluster attitude of the staff. I think they have to get their act together. Very nice place.(Original)No cumplió las espectativas. Fallos desde el principio. Aperitivos sin poder tomar el vino que habíamos elegido después de más de 30 minutos de espera. Platos que llegan fríos a la mesa. Salsas pesadas. Raciones de queso microscopicas. Actitud desganada del personal. Creo que se han de poner las pilas. Local muy agradable.

Miguel P — Google review

(Translated by Google) Unfortunately, after so many stars and so many comments, the food depends on taste, and for me I don't like the offal, I like that it has a traditional Aragonese part, but the brains, blood, chicken feet and a few other things... I didn't find it pleasant... but I'm sure there are people who love it.The service and the place were great.(Original)Por desgracia, después de tanta estrella y tantos comentarios, para gustos esta la comida, y para mi la casqueria no me gusta, me gusta que tiene una parte tradicional Aragonesa, pero los sesos, sangres, patas de gallina y alguna cosilla más.. no me resultó agradable.. pero seguro q hay gente que le encanta.El servicio y el sitio genial.

Eduardo G — Google review

(Translated by Google) I made a reservation at this restaurant a year ago. Although I hadn't heard good things about him, I wanted to see him firsthand. I knew that the food could disappoint me, but I didn't expect the service to be so clumsy (except for the sommelier, Félix, who was charming and seemed very professional to me).(Original)Hice una reserva en este restaurante hace un año. Aunque no me habían hablado bien de él, quería conocerlo de primera mano. Sabía que la comida podía decepcionarme, pero no esperaba que el servicio fuera tan torpe (exceptuando al sommelier, Félix, que fue encantador y me pareció muy buen profesional).

Arantxa C — Google review

Where to eat: the 50 best restaurants in Zaragoza (2024)


What food is Zaragoza, Spain known for? ›

Zaragoza's signature cured meats include Teruel ham, longaniza (a Spanish chorizo) and fardeles, a sausage made from pig's liver. Spanish ham has an excellent reputation and can be eaten sliced straight from the oven for even greater culinary delight.

What is the oldest restaurant in Zaragoza Spain? ›

Feeding the locals since 1825, Casa Lac is part of Zaragoza's furniture and is Spain's oldest licensed restaurant.

What is the name of the number one restaurant in the world? ›

The World's Best Restaurant is Disfrutar in Barcelona, Spain. Disfrutar has long been well-regarded by the panel—it placed second on the 2023 list and has been a permanent fixture at the awards since 2018 when the team bagged the Highest New Entry gong.

What restaurant was voted best restaurant in the world? ›

No.1 Disfrutar

Chefs Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch and Mateu Casañas have many reasons to celebrate this year. In addition to marking the restaurant's 10-year anniversary, they have also received top honours. Disfrutar has been named The World's Best Restaurant 2024, sponsored by S.

What are the 3 most popular foods in Spain? ›

Popular Spanish Food in Spain
  • Paella: A Spanish Rice Delight. Widely regarded by tourists as Spain's national dish, paella is always a crowd-pleaser and family favorite. ...
  • Chorizo: Pork for Your Fork. ...
  • Jamón: Ham with the Fam(ily) ...
  • Empanada: A Meat-Filled Thrill. ...
  • Churros: A Cinnamon-Packed Snack.

What does Zaragoza mean in English? ›

Definitions of Zaragoza. noun. an ancient city on the Ebro River in northeastern Spain; formerly the capital of Aragon. synonyms: Saragossa.

Are the restaurants in Curb Your Enthusiasm real? ›

Many Curb scenes are filmed in restaurants, shops, offices, and homes in the Westside communities surrounding Los Angeles, most often Pacific Palisades, Brentwood, and Santa Monica. For quite a few filming locations, especially restaurants, finding the location was just a matter of googling a business name.

In what Spanish city can you dine at the world's oldest restaurant? ›

Casa Botín, founded in 1725, is the oldest restaurant in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records and a benchmark of Madrid's best traditional cuisine.

What is the oldest restaurant that is still around? ›

Peter, Salzburg, Austria (803) The world's oldest restaurant can still be found housed within its original structure in St. Peter's Abbey in Salzburg.

What is the only 7 star restaurant in the world? ›

Restaurants & Bars at the Burj Al Arab. Inspired by global fusion, the Burj Al Arab takes you on the most extraordinary, culinary journey across award-winning, mouth-watering cuisines.

What is the world's best restaurant in Spain? ›

The World's Best Restaurant is Disfrutar in Barcelona, Spain. Number two in the ranking by the World's Best Restaurants organization is Spanish as well: Asador Etxebarri, in Atxondo, a peaceful Basque village surrounded by mountains and lush greenery.

What is the most booked out restaurant in the world? ›

Noma- Copenhagen, Denmark

Noma in Copenhagen, a two-Michelin-starred restaurant under Chef René Redzepi, is a five-time winner of the World's 50 Best list and one of the hardest places to book, with 20,000 people vying for a table on reservations day.

Who is the best chef in the world? ›

Who are the Most-Awarded Michelin-Star Chefs in the World?
  • Joël Robuchon, 31 Michelin Stars.
  • Alain Ducasse, 21 Michelin Stars.
  • Gordon Ramsay, 16 Michelin Stars.
  • Martin Berasategui, 8 Michelin Stars.
  • Carme Ruscalleda, 7 Michelin Stars.

Where is the world's meanest restaurant? ›

Dick's Last Resort is a bar and restaurant chain in the United States known for its intentional employment of an obnoxious staff who "purposely provide bad service". The chain was founded in Dallas, Texas in 1985 by Richard "Dick" Chase and currently operates thirteen locations across the United States.

What is the most luxurious restaurant ever? ›

Celebrating its 10-year anniversary in 2024, Sublimotion holds the title of the world's most expensive restaurant, redefining luxury dining with an avant-garde approach that pushes the envelope in multiple directions. Located near the heart of Ibiza, Spain, Sublimotion delivers a unique dining experience.

What is Zaragoza best known for? ›

Zaragoza is a monumental historical heritage site. The heritage of its four ancestral cultures flourishes in its streets. Its main attraction, the Basilica of Nuestra Señora del Pilar, is the symbol of the city and Zaragoza's second cathedral.

What is General Zaragoza known for? ›

He led the Mexican army of 600 men that defeated 6,500 invading French forces, including the elite French legionnaires at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862 (mostly celebrated in the United States as Cinco de Mayo).

What is the foodie capital of Spain? ›

1. San Sebastian. San Sebastian is often referred to as 'the food capital of Spain. ' This foodie paradise is home to the highest concentration of Michelin-star restaurants anywhere in the world making for the gourmet getaway of a food lover's dream.

What is an interesting fact about Zaragoza? ›

As a Roman city, it had all the typical public buildings: forum, baths, theatre, and was an important economic centre. Many Roman ruins can still be seen in Zaragoza today. It is thought it might have been the Apostle James who had built a chapel on the site of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.