Satuan Waktu: Lustrum, Windu, Dekade, Masehi, Abad, dan lainnya (2024)

Baca berita tanpa iklan. Gabung

  • Skola - 27/02/2023, 13:00 WIB

Retia Kartika Dewi,
Serafica Gischa

Tim Redaksi

Retia Kartika Dewi Penulis Serafica Gischa Editor

Cari soal sekolah lainnya - Pengurukuran atau konversi waktu adalah skala waktu yang memudahkan manusia untuk menentukan lama berlangsungnya suatu kejadian.

Dalam penghitungan waktu, kita lazim mengenal tahun, bulan, hari, hingga detik. Dalam kehidupan ini, manusia diberikan waktu satu hari, 24 jam, 60 menit, dan 3.600 detik.

Selain itu, satuan waktu juga dapat bonversikan nilainya ke satuan waktu lainnya. Berikut rangkuman satuan waktu dalam hari, minggu, bulan, dan tahun:

Baca juga: Ukuran Satuan Waktu: Pengertian dan Contoh Soal

Satuan waktu dalam hari

Dilansir dari Buku Pembelajaran Matematika SD Kelas Tinggi (2022) oleh Nurlev Avana dan teman-teman, ini penjelasan terkait satuan waktu dalam hari:

  • 1 minggu = 7 hari
  • 1 bulan (rata-rata)= 30,41 hari
  • 1 bulan = 28, 29, 30, 31 hari
  • 1 tahun = 365 hari
  • 1 tahun (kabisat) = 366 hari (29 Februari)

Satuan waktu dalam minggu

Berikut satuan waktu dalam minggu:


Satuan Waktu: Lustrum, Windu, Dekade, Masehi, Abad, dan lainnya (4)

`; document.querySelector('.kompasidRec').innerHTML = htmlString; } else { document.querySelector(".kompasidRec").remove(); } } else { document.querySelector(".kompasidRec").remove(); } }});"GET", endpoint);xhr.send();

  • 1 bulan = 4,34 minggu
  • 1 tahun = 52,14 minggu

Baca juga: Sistem Satuan Internasional

Satuan waktu dalam bulan

Berikut satuan waktu dalam bulan:

  • 1 triwulan = 3 bulan
  • 1 caturwulan = 4 bulan
  • 1 semester = 6 bulan
  • 1 tahun = 12 bulan
  • 1 lustrum = 60 bulan = 5 tahun
  • 1 windu = 96 bulan = 8 tahun
  • 1 dekade = 120 bulan = 10 tahun

Satuan waktu dalam tahun

Berikut satuan waktu dalam tahun:

  • 1 lustrum = 5 tahun
  • 1 windu = 8 tahun
  • 1 dekade = 10 tahun (1 dasawarsa)
  • 1 abad = 100 tahun (10 dasawarsa)
  • 1 masehi = 1.000 tahun (1 milenium)

Baca juga: Standardisasi Waktu Dunia

Jumlah hari dalam bulan (Januari-Desember)

Berikut rincian banyaknya hari dalam bulan Januari sampai Desember:

  • Januari = 31 hari
  • Februari = 28/29 hari
  • Maret = 31 hari
  • April = 30 hari
  • Mei = 31 hari
  • Juni = 30 hari
  • Juli = 31 hari
  • Agustus = 31 hari
  • September = 30 hari
  • Oktober = 31 hari
  • November = 30 hari
  • Desember = 31 hari

Pada tahun kabisat ada 366 hari, yang terjadi setiap 4 tahun dan kelipatan 4. Misalnya, tahun 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, dan seterusnya.

Tanda dari tahun kabisat adalah adanya penambahan 1 hari pada bulan Februari, yakni 29 Februari.

Berikut beberapa soal dan jawaban terkait konversi waktu.

Baca juga: Contoh Soal Konversi Satuan Suhu

Contoh soal 1

4 windu + 312 minggu - 9 tahun = ... tahun


Pertama, kita samakan terlebih dulu satuannya menjadi tahun.

4 windu = 4 x 8 tahun = 32 tahun
312 minggu = 312 : 52 = 6 tahun

Maka, 4 windu + 312 minggu - 9 tahun = 32 + 6 - 9 = 29 tahun

Halaman Berikutnya

Contoh soal 23 milenium +…




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  • satuan waktu
  • 1 lustrum adalah
  • 1 windu adalah
  • 1 abad adalah
  • 1 triwulan adalah
  • 1 milenium adalah
  • materi matematika kelas 3 SD
Lihat Skola Selengkapnya
  • Kenapa 1 Jam Terdiri dari 60 Menit?
  • Sistem Satuan Internasional
  • Contoh Soal Konversi Satuan Suhu
  • Ukuran Satuan Waktu: Pengertian dan Contoh Soal

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`); var wSpecStop = createElementFromHTML(`

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`); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonShare').setAttribute('data-title', item.title); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonShare').setAttribute('data-url', itemUrl); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonShare').setAttribute('data-campaign', 'AIML_Widget_Desktop'); let userFeedback = new UserFeedback(resultObj.engine['tracker_algsrc'], itemUrl + tracker_params, jxRecHelper, index); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonBookmark').addEventListener('click', function() { do_bookmark(itemUrl, index, userFeedback); }); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonShare').addEventListener('click', function() { userFeedback.event('share'); }); reactionPopup.querySelector('.buttonNotInterest').addEventListener('click', function() { if (getCookie('kmps_usrid')) { hideThisArt(this); userFeedback.event('not-interested'); } else { const parentAction = this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement if (!!parentAction) { let indexElement = parentAction.getAttribute('data-index') if (indexElement != 'undefined') { localStorage.setItem('reaction_not_interest_temp', JSON.stringify({ urlpage: items[indexElement].url })) } } window.location.href = "" + btoa(window.location.href); } }); /** * trigger action "userFeedback" that user not interest item before, when not interest without login */ if (getCookie('kmps_usrid') && localStorage.getItem('reaction_not_interest_temp')) { const tempUrlNotInterest = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('reaction_not_interest_temp')) if (itemUrl == tempUrlNotInterest.urlpage) { userFeedback.event('not-interested'); localStorage.removeItem('reaction_not_interest_temp'); } } wSpecStop.querySelector('.wSpec-stop-undo').addEventListener('click', function() { showThisArt(this); userFeedback.event('un-not-interested'); }); recItem.appendChild(buttonOption); recItem.appendChild(reactionPopup); recItem.appendChild(wSpecStop); } var recItemWrapperA = createElement('a', null, null, null); recItemWrapperA.setAttribute('href', itemUrl + tracker_params); var titleDiv = createElement('h4', null, null, [cssClasses.title]); var titleTextNode = document.createTextNode(item.title); if (item.itemType == 'video') { var iconVideo = createElement('div', null, null, ['icoInline', 'icoVideo']); = '5px'; titleDiv.appendChild(iconVideo); } titleDiv.appendChild(titleTextNode); var sourceDiv = null; if (item.hasOwnProperty('method')) { sourceDiv = createElement('div', null, null, [cssClasses.source], resultObj.engine['type'] + ' . 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if(domain==''){ var url=window.location.href.split("/"); domain=url[2]+'/'+url[3] } let user_subs_type = "Gues"; let subs_type = ""; let is_lgn = 0; let engine = algsrc; if(getCookie('kmps_usrid')){is_lgn=1}; let time_load = loadtime; resolve(); /*** * JXRECSDK NOTES 3 of 5 - * pass all the info about the items to the rec helper * each one is an object: ALL MANDATORY * div * id * pos */ jxRecHelper.items(widgetItemArr); /*** * JXRECSDK NOTES 4 of 5 - * Call the ready() of the helper object when the recommendation * results have been populated to the widget * (This will register the action=ready event) */ if (resultObj.engine['type'] == 'api-1') { jxRecHelper.ready(resultObj.options.algo + ":" + resultObj.options.version); } else { jxRecHelper.ready(resultObj.engine['type']); } } else { jxRecHelper.error(204); console.error("Error: no recommendation items"); return; } } catch (err) { jxRecHelper.error(901); console.log(err.stack); let domain = window.location.hostname; if(domain==''){ var url=window.location.href.split("/"); domain=url[2]+'/'+url[3] } let user_subs_type = "Gues"; let subs_type = "" let is_lgn = 0; let engine = algsrc; if(getCookie('kmps_usrid')){is_lgn=1}; let endDate = new Date(); let time_load = (endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()); } }); } const _jxRecSdkURL = ''; var startDate = new Date(); class OneWidget { constructor() { //this is also the one we will pass to the JX rec helper object when //we instantiate it: //In this implementation most of these come from the options obj //on the publisher page. this._options = { accountid: '9262bf2590d558736cac4fff7978fcb1', pageurl: '', widget_id: '1000183-6xWeiWZFIM', type: 'pages', container: 'rekomendasi-konten-pilihan-untukmu-aiml', keywords: content_tags, title: title, customid: "69", count: 14, }; this._containerId = this._options.container; this._container = document.getElementById(this._containerId); this._engines = [{"url":"https:\/\/\/v1\/recommendation","method":"GET","pageurl":"https:\/\/\/skola\/read\/2023\/02\/27\/130000869\/satuan-waktu--lustrum-windu-dekade-masehi-abad-dan-lainnya","system":"jx","type":"api-1","tracker_params":"?source=widgetML","tracker_algsrc":"V","count":14,"page_status":"read","excludeitemids":"20230227130000869"}]; 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let basicInfo = thisObj._options; basicInfo.engine = thisObj._engine if (basicInfo.engine.type == 'api-1') { var options = { count: basicInfo['count'], adpositions: "", keywords: basicInfo['keywords'], title: basicInfo['title'], date_published: "2023-02-27", pagecategory: "SKOLA", algo: "mixed" }; if(getCookie('kmps_usrid')){ var kg = { pagetype:basicInfo.engine.page_status, uid:getCookie('kmps_usrid'), ukid:getCookie('kmp_uid') } if(basicInfo.engine.page_status=='read'){ kg['excludeitemids'] = basicInfo.engine.excludeitemids; kg['multiFormat'] = true; } options['additional'] = { kg:kg }; } return recHelperObj.getJxRecommendations(options); } else { return fetchRecommendationsP(basicInfo, recHelperObj.getJxUserInfo()); } }) .then(function(resp) { if (thisObj._engine.type == 'api-3') { recResults = new Object recResults.items =; } else { recResults = resp; } recResults.engine = thisObj._engine; if (!resp || !recResults.items || recResults.items.length == 0) { /*** * JXRECSDK NOTES 2 of 5 - * Call the error() function on the recHelper when either an error * has occured in the fetching or there are no recommended items * * (This will register the action=error event) */ recHelperObj.error(204); throw "no recommendation results"; } }) .then(function() { // everything is ready (recommendation results, css): document.getElementById("rekomendasi-konten-pilihan-untukmu-aiml").classList.remove("-loading"); document.querySelector('.wSpec-list').remove(); createDisplay(rand, thisObj._container, recResults, recHelperObj) .then(function() { toggleDropdown(); //observe lozad lozad('.lozad', { load: function(el) { el.src = el.dataset.src; el.onload = function() { el.classList.add('fade') } } }).observe() }) }) .catch(function(error) { console.log(`Unable to create recommendations widget ${error.stack} ${error.message}`); }); } } var limit_gtm_ready = 1; function check_gtm_ready() { if ('ga' in window) { // create a new instance of our widget based on the options const newW = new OneWidget(); newW.kickOff(); } else { const timeout_gtm_ready = setTimeout(check_gtm_ready, 500) limit_gtm_ready += 1; if (limit_gtm_ready > 10) { clearTimeout(timeout_gtm_ready); const newW = new OneWidget(); newW.kickOff(); 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'video' : 'article'; if (kmps_usrid) { if (btnBookmark.classList.contains('-active')) { set_unbookmark({ guid: guid, kmps_usrid: kmps_usrid, type: type }).then(function(resp) { btnBookmark.classList.remove('-active'); btnBookmark.innerHTML = 'Simpan artikel'; reactionToast('Artikel berhasil dihapus dari list yang disimpan'); userFeedback.event('un-save'); }).catch(function(resp) { // message: "Data doesn't exists" if (resp.hasOwnProperty('message') && resp.message.includes('exist')) { btnBookmark.classList.remove('-active'); btnBookmark.innerHTML = 'Simpan artikel'; reactionToast('Artikel berhasil dihapus dari list yang disimpan'); } }) } else { const user_bookmark_url = ""; set_bookmark({ guid: guid, kmps_usrid: kmps_usrid, type: type, publisher: 'kompas', platform: 'desktop' }).then(function(resp) { btnBookmark.classList.add('-active'); btnBookmark.innerHTML = 'Hapus dari tersimpan'; reactionToast('Artikel berhasil disimpan', user_bookmark_url); userFeedback.event('save'); }).catch(function(resp) { // message: "Data already exist" if (resp.hasOwnProperty('message') && resp.message.includes('exist')) { btnBookmark.classList.add('-active'); btnBookmark.innerHTML = 'Hapus dari tersimpan'; reactionToast('Artikel berhasil disimpan', user_bookmark_url); } }) } } else { const login_url = "" + btoa(window.location.href); window.location.href = login_url; } } function set_bookmark(data) { const url = ""; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 201) { resolve(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } else if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 400) { reject(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } };"POST", url, true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"); xmlhttp.send(formBody(data)); }); } function set_unbookmark(data) { const url = ""; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { resolve(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } else if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 400) { reject(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } };"POST", url, true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"); xmlhttp.send(formBody(data)); }); } class UserFeedback { constructor(engine, pageurl, jxRecHelper, pos) { this.engine = engine; this.pageurl = pageurl; this.jxRecHelper = jxRecHelper; this.pos = pos; } event(feedback) { if (this.engine == 'C') { const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); let params = { domain: '', ce_userid: getCookie('kmps_usrid'), ce_sessionid: getCookie('ukid'), ce_pageurl: this.pageurl, engine: 'C', ce_feedback: feedback }"GET", '' + formatParams(params)); xmlhttp.send(); } else if (this.engine == 'V') { if (feedback == 'share') { this.jxRecHelper.shared(this.pos); } else if (feedback == 'save') { this.jxRecHelper.bookmarked(this.pos); } else if (feedback == 'not-interested') { this.jxRecHelper.hidden(this.pos); } else if (feedback == 'un-not-interested') { this.jxRecHelper.unhidden(this.pos); } } } } function formatParams(params) { return "?" + Object .keys(params) .map(function(key) { return key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[key]) }) .join("&") } document.addEventListener("click", function(e){ let dx = document.querySelectorAll('[data-dropdown]') if(dx) { dx.forEach(function(el){ if(el.contains( { el.parentElement.classList.toggle('-active') } else { el.parentElement.classList.remove('-active') } }) } })

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Article information

Author: Margart Wisoky

Last Updated:

Views: 5421

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.